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30 Weeks Strong ❤️

Can you believe The Friday Flash has already been around for 30 weeks?! We can't. Time flies! If you've been here since week one, thanks for sticking around! If you want to read any of the OG versions of The Friday Flash, you can read them all here! Now, let's get into this week's newsletter! Follow Up Anxiety, We All Feel It
Justine Anderson
Justine Anderson
2 min read

Can you believe The Friday Flash has already been around for 30 weeks?!

We can't. Time flies! If you've been here since week one, thanks for sticking around! If you want to read any of the OG versions of The Friday Flash, you can read them all here!

Now, let's get into this week's newsletter!

Follow Up Anxiety, We All Feel It

Just like the anxiety you get after a first date, wondering if you should call the person to ask them out on a second date, the same anxiety can come when following up with a new prospect. We totally get it. We're here to help you calm those nerves and help you gain some follow-up confidence!

We know following up on messages can be nerve-wracking, but it's important to follow up on emails and messages from prospects within 24 hours. Make sure you have answered any questions they've asked, or provide any information they've requested, such as pricing information. If you've left a voicemail for someone, follow up on that within 24 hours and send them an email as well. If you've received a connection or Inmail reply from LinkedIn, make sure to send a response back within at least 24 hours, unless they want to set a meeting. Then make sure you reply as soon as you can. If you don't get a response, make sure to follow up at least once a week to keep your company fresh in their minds.

Follow-up messages don't have to be complicated. Treat them like you would any other conversation except with a few more resources to help your prospect with anything they're struggling with. Just like you would with a message to a friend or date, remember to personalize it! Make sure you are not just using their name but also pointing out something you saw about them, i.e., a post they shared, a podcast they were on, or something about their current company. If you want more tips and tricks on follow-ups, check out this blog!

Boundless Media Pet of the Week

We love our pets here at Boundless, and we think you will too.

Here's our Pet of the Week, Sarah's dog Felix! He's got the right idea about it being nap time.

Thank you for reading! Have a great weekend!

With 💛,

The Boundless Media team

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