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I like you, have a cupcake 🧁

We're feelin' like following up on this beautiful Friday. We've talked about follow-ups before but we'll gladly talk about it again because it's just. that. important!! Let's get started! Follow-Up!
Justine Anderson
Justine Anderson
2 min read

We're feelin' like following up on this beautiful Friday.

We've talked about follow-ups before but we'll gladly talk about it again because it's just. that. important!! Let's get started!

Follow-Up!It's not uncommon for follow-ups to be a part of your business, but are you using follow-ups in the right way? The days of ~Just checking in~ emails and messages are long gone. We're going to share some strategies and tips on how to send follow-up emails and messages that actually get results!

  • In follow-up emails, it's a good idea to be personalized and limit yourself to asking one question. Doing this will make your follow-up more effective because you're offering your prospect specific help in hopes that they'll reply, rather than sending them generic information. If you know a prospect’s specific pain point, ask your question about that.

Ex. “I noticed you use ABC Software. Do you like X feature?” And always leave a call to action at the end of the message, i.e., “If you’d like to see XYZ Software, let’s chat next week. When are you available?”

  • It is also important to follow up on the follow-up message. If you sent out a message and they didn't reply, send them another one with an additional question or two to help address their pain points in more detail.

Ex. Hi John Doe, I just read your latest blog on best practices for detailing cars! Did you know the car wash industry is growing at a rate of 3% year over year? I can help your company stand above the rest by optimizing your membership program. How about we have a quick call next week? The art of follow-ups is a tough one. If you'd like some help getting your follow-up game up to par, our team of experts at Boundless Media are here and ready to help! You can email us or message us anytime! PS - Read the full blog post about this topic here!

Boundless Media Pet of the Week

We love our pets here at Boundless, and we think you will too.

Here are our Pets of the Week, Larissa's cat Neko!

We hope this newsletter encourages you to follow up with someone soon!

Have a great weekend!

With 💛,

The Boundless Media team


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