Sales Process

Searching For New Leads 🔍

“New year, new me!” We have all said it, and hopefully, follow through with it too! With a new year comes a new chance to set goals for your personal growth and the growth of your business. Q1 is a great time to make sure you know where you want your business to go. But, it’s not just about setting goals - it’s about setting the RIGHT goals for your business. Our CEO and Co-Founder, Nico De Bruyn, has some great insights on what to do and not to do when you’re setting goals for the new year. Let
Larissa LaMaster
Larissa LaMaster
4 min read
Do you have leads in your sales funnel? Do you want more of them? 👀

We want to help you get more leads into your sales funnel — it's kind of our favorite thing to do here at Boundless!  Keep reading to learn more!

How To Get Leads Into Your Sales Funnel!

Everyone's sales funnels will be slightly different, but they all have the same end goal -- turning leads into clients. Before you go funneling in leads, you need to know the best medium to reach your ideal customer persona (ICP). Knowing where your ideal clients are and using those platforms to reach out will ensure you are getting quality leads. Organic outreach is great for this and can be done through LinkedIn, Facebook, cold emails, cold calling, or other forms of non-paid outreach.

If you’re using LinkedIn, the first thing you want to do is make sure your profile is optimized. Doing this will help your leads get a good understanding of what you offer. Once your profile is optimized, you need to start working on your customized connection messages to reach your target market.

When you send your connection message, two things can happen. #1- They can tell you they’re not interested or just not respond to you, and you take them out of your sequence. #2- They respond, and you start a drip campaign where you will drip content to them. The content you send should be educational, informative, and add value to the lead. You can send anything from case studies to podcasts, as long as it adds value.

Read more about the other ways to get more leads into your sales funnel in the blog post below!

Read Here

Boundless Media Pet of the Week đŸ±đŸ¶

We love our pets here at Boundless, and we think you will too.

This week's pet is Justine's pup, Bandit! 😍


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$45.29 Average Cost Per Lead*
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*Data summarized from all Home Services Verticals with average project values over $3,500