
The One Minute Guide to Conversion

What does it mean when someone converts on your website? It means that they have clicked a button, filled out a form, or purchased something. Conversions are what business owners dream about. The more conversions you get, the more money your business makes! Our CEO, and Co-Founder, Nico De Bruyn, said it best "Basically, a conversion is a measurable action that progresses a potential customer towards becoming a paying customer in an important way. Therefore, in online marketing, conversion happe
Larissa LaMaster
Larissa LaMaster
3 min read

What does it mean when someone converts on your website? It means that they have clicked a button, filled out a form, or purchased something. Conversions are what business owners dream about. The more conversions you get, the more money your business makes! Our CEO, and Co-Founder, Nico De Bruyn, said it best "Basically, a conversion is a measurable action that progresses a potential customer towards becoming a paying customer in an important way. Therefore, in online marketing, conversion happens when your visitor ends up taking the action you want them to take the most." Keep reading to find out how to increase conversion rates and make more money from the same amount of traffic.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all conversion rate. The more specialized of a service you offer can lead to lower conversion rates. For example, an online store selling shoes will have a much higher conversion rate than an online store selling high-ticket items like cars or appliances. On average, a good conversation rate is between 2-5 percent. Meaning a lot of people who visit your website won't become a customer. So what are some ways you can increase your conversion rates? It's important to note that before you can really dive into increasing your conversion rate, you need to know how users interact with your website. Knowing what they click on, what they skip over, or if they stop filling something out halfway through could tell you where your improvements need to be made.

  1. If you have a form that you want them to fill out, make sure it's short and sweet. Having potential customers fill out their life story can turn them away from your site, and it won't build trust with your brand.
  2. Reviews, reviews, reviews. Customers will hesitate to purchase if there aren't any customer reviews. Get your current customers to leave you reviews and put that right on the front page of your website. Let people know that they can trust not only you but also your product.
  3. Add live chat to your website. Sometimes people might have a question about your service. If they can't get it answered right away, they will go somewhere else. Live chat can be an amazing way to convert users and build trust.
  4. A strong call-to-action (CTA). Your CTA can be changed whenever you'd like. It just has to be prominent, appealing, and easy to understand. Your CTA could be to subscribe to your newsletter, download an offer, book a free demo, share a post on social media, or purchase something. Whatever it is, make sure your visitors know that they need to do it, so they don't miss out.
  5. Conduct A/B testing. Play around with the copy, color, font, and CTA. It's not easy to know what will and won't work. If you have a landing page or pop-up that isn't performing well, try testing a completely different layout to see if you get better results.

There are so many other ways to increase your conversion rates. If you want the best conversion rates, make sure your customers and potential customers can trust you and your brand. You also want to make sure new visitors to your website know your value prop right away and see your credibility. Your website can be your most successful salesperson if you pay attention to what your visitors are doing, and your website is easy to navigate and understand.

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