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Who Is Boundless Media?

Breaking down exactly who we are and what we do at Boundless Media
Larissa LaMaster
Larissa LaMaster
3 min read

We do a lot here at Boundless Media. We are a lead gen company, marketing company, we create content, and we have our Request For Contract (RFC) platform. When you look at everything we do, it sounds like a lot, but ultimately, we help companies find long-term solutions to their problems. We don’t fix things by throwing a band-aid on it and hoping it sticks. We solve problems with our philosophy, that marketing is all about being in front of the right person, at the right time & place, with the right message. We take everyday B2B problems, look at the data, work with you to plan the best strategy, then execute that strategy.

What kind of technology, strategies, and platforms do we use to solve problems? We pride ourselves on transparency, so we’re going to tell you exactly what we use. First off, we use Active and Passive marketing to get your message out to the most qualified leads. We also work with you every step of the way. We communicate changes that need to happen, give weekly data updates, so you can see the results that are happening, and work leads up to the sale. All you have to do is take a meeting and close the deal! This leaves you so much more time to nurture your current clients and grow your business. As for platforms, there are so many we can use. We look at your needs, goals, and target audience to determine the best platform for your business. We also use the best technology to help with automation, set up meetings, communicate with you and your team, and manage your campaigns. We make sure everything is exactly what you need.

What is our most important step in the process? It’s the presale step. This is where we engage with your lead, sell the brand, and set up the call. We do all of the heavy lifting for you! We use conversation starters to warm up prospects, making them less likely to turn down a sales pitch. When we sell your brand, we wait for the perfect timing. We also work with you to create the perfect sales pitch. Although not everyone we talk to will be a perfect fit, each call we set up is with prospects who are 100% interested in what our clients offer. Once the call is set, the client can take over and close the deal. Our clients get all of the rewards with half the work that your competition is putting in!

Can we help everyone? Remember when we said transparency is important to us? We meant it, so no…. We can’t help everyone. There are some businesses that don’t need our services, or they already have great processes in place. We solve problems, and if you don’t have a problem to solve, you probably don’t need our services. Communication is also important in our journey together. We want to represent you in the best way possible, and we can’t do that without open and honest communication. Yes, it might feel like we are hounding you at times, but once we know your tone of voice, your company's strengths, value proposition, and services, we take off running. Oh, and did we mention we love to give stuff away for free? We will send out our SOPs (like this one on follow-ups), video tutorials, and even a digital copy of our CEO and Co-Founder, Nico De Bruyn’s book “We’re All Marketers,” so you can take our best practices and implement them.  

Are you interested in solving your problems while increasing revenue? Then contact us today! We love it when our clients succeed, and we will help you do so by adding to your pipeline, increasing your revenue, creating automated systems, and so much more! We are here for YOU.

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