Quansys Bio

Emily Smurthwaite
Business Development & Technical Sales
See all case studies
Emily Smurthwaite


Quansys Biosciences needed to increase their reach to qualified scientific decision-makers. They wanted to have quality calls with the right people instead of having a lot of calls with non-decision makers. Quansys needed an email and messaging campaign that would not only reach but also be impactful to their target audience.

Our Solution

Partnering with Boundless Media, Quansys Biosciences was able to find solutions to meet all of their needs. We developed a campaign to reach the right individuals and spark conversations with them. These decision-makers are difficult to meet with and hold high degrees such as PhDs. Quansys was assigned a Sales Development Representative that would foster relationships with leads, turning them into booked meetings with Quansys Biosciences. Quansys Biosciences has had more quality calls with scientific decision-makers, and fewer calls with people and companies that are not a good fit for their services.



Using Boundless Media's campaigns, Quansys

Biosciences has made 2,228 quality connections.

Meetings Booked

Through Boundless Media's strategic campaigns,

Quansys Biosciences has booked 14 meetings.


Since partnering with Boundless Media, Quansys

Biosciences had an average response rate of 62.10%.

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$45.29 Average Cost Per Lead*
41.23% Average Booking Rate*

*Data summarized from all Home Services Verticals with average project values over $3,500